1868.ZIP 257981 AMATEUR RADIO LOGBOOK maintenance 1899.ZIP 107977 HAMFEST mailing list system with last-year-attended field 2154.ZIP 180024 G8XGT RADIO DATA SET transceiver mods, co-ax cables, freqs 2302.ZIP 331655 PC-HAM COLLECTION 2304.ZIP 225334 CODED TRANSMISSION DATABASE & SCANNER MANAGER 2373.ZIP 265374 LOG-EQF amateur radio logbook with Kenwood interface 3090.ZIP 55059 dBASE III LOG Set of dBase Log Programs 3751.ZIP 177805 AMATEUR RADIO LOGBOOK program 4127.ZIP 271554 SHORT WAVE LOG amateur radio logbook program H385.ZIP 952291 R&R CALLSIGN DATABASE version of CIS call directory